Free Web Counter My Life: When I get old...

Saturday, March 19, 2005

When I get old...

Funny (but kinda gross) story...

So we joined the YMCA last week. I am so excited! I have worked out everyday since. I forgot how much I loved to go workout. I decided it's about freaking time I spent some time doing something for myslef and not just for my kids or my wonderful husband. I have 2+ hours from when I drop Ethan off at school to when I go pick him up that I can workout. It rocks! Hailey loves the day care at the Y so that makes it a little bit easier on me :)

So, to my story... The first two days I went to workout I went to the locker room to put my crap in a locker. There was this 60+ year old woman sitting on the bench buck naked. Needless to say I diverted my eyes as quickly as I could feeling embarassed. The lady didn't look like she cared a bit. All I have to say is I don't want to look like that when I get older! The really funny thing is I saw the same lady the next day. There is a swim class for "seniors" around the time I am completing my workout and getting freshened up. The second time I saw this lady she came into the locker room and began to get ready. I had already been in there for a few minutes getting my stuff together. This lady sits down on the bench again completely nude and stayed like that for at least 5 minutes. Don't want to get too graphic, but she was combing her hair, putting mousse in her hair, putting deoderant on all while sitting there nude. I was like, "hello! You can do that with your clothes ON!"

Then, the rest of the white-haired ladies came into the locker room all naked and for some reason they decided to go into the sauna 2 or 3 at a time and dry off. Like it was some kind of senior nude party in the sauna. It just made me laugh.


Blogger Wendy said...

That is so disgusting!!

1:46 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

ewww SICK! Well I guess that's some movitation to keep working out! Lol! ;)

7:45 PM  

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