Free Web Counter My Life: November 2005

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Almost settled...

We moved into our new house last Wednesday and we are almost unpacked. We've got a ton of stuff out in our garage to go through. There are a few boxes I am missing and I need to go out and find them. The move went so well. Thanks to all of you who came and helped! You guys rock! I Think it took us 2 hours to move most of the stuff to the new house.

I've had fun painting and personalizing our house. It's amazing how that makes it feel more like a home. My next big project is to paint our bedroom upstairs. I decided I wasn't going to paint anymore until the house is completely unpacked. Too much mess and mass craziness gets to me.

Well, it's a short post, but that's all I've got time for.

See ya!