Free Web Counter My Life: Movie Night

Friday, May 19, 2006

Movie Night

I admit - I have been very bad about posting on my blog lately. Between Mexico stuff and Kids Kamp I am maxed out on time. Can't believe May is more than half over. Before I know it Summer will be done and the kids will be going to school. It's so true how people older than you always say that time goes by faster the older you get. I am now beginning to believe those "wise" people :)

I went and saw the "Da Vinci Code" tonight. It was a good movie. Don't want to say too much about the movie - but it was good. Interested to hear what other people have to say about the movie. The frustrating thing to me is how churches all around the country are freaking out about what the movie is about. The whole premise of the movie is that it is a FICTION book put to movie. It's not like the makers of the movie or the writer is going around preaching that this is fact and actual history. Even while watching the movie all I could think was that is was a fiction piece. It was interesting, but not something I would change my faith over. Do people watch other movies and change their beliefs according to what the movie talks about? No. this whole things just frustrates me. Sometimes I feel like Christians always need something to complain about - some soapbox to get on. Can you tell that this is my soap box right now? Argh...


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