Free Web Counter My Life: August 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

Too Funny...

So Ethan and Hailey started school today. I am helping out a lot in Hailey's class so I was there this morning when the NEW principal started doing announcements over the loud speaker through the whole school. She starts doing the pledge and she makes a big mistake. Instead of saying "one nation, under God, INDIVISABLE..." she says one nation, under God, INDIVIDUAL." You could tell she was a little nervous over the speaker. After she make the mistake, she paused for a second and then continued. Just a great way to start off your first 10 minutes of work in a new school, in a new position :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So my phone decided to stop working correctly. To be specific, my ear piece. So now when i make or receive a call, i have to have it on speaker phone in order to hear. It has been very frustrating.

I was wondering if anyone has a spare phone that is compatible with Sprint that they are looking to get rid of? I need one ASAP. Thanks :)