Free Web Counter My Life: December 2004

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Blah, Blah, Blah...

Well, it's now 4 days after Christmas and I have already taken all the decorations down. I am usually the one who is wanting to keep them up until the middlel of January, but not this year. It was really strange. I was done with Christmas and ready to move on with life. The kids weren't too hapy that the tree was going down so fast, but they got over it. We have a fake tree and I am usually the one who puts it up and takes it down. Well, this year, I decided to ask JR to take it down. I lay on the couch and watch him try to take the tree apart. Needless to say, I laughed my butt off. He succesfully pulled the whole top half of the tree off - all in once piece!! I tried to explain to him how each of the braches come off separately, then he just turned the tree upside down and began to violently shake the thing. Well, the branched did come off. I was in need of a good laugh at the time, and my husband wonderfully supplied my need :)

I am starting to work on our taxes too. Believe it or not, I look forward to this every year. It has become a game for me - learning what all we can deduct and how to maximize all our deductions. I am just bummed because I am sure that it will be another month before we have all of our W-2's. The best thing is our refund. Halleluiah for that!!!

Well, I've got a dumb headache right now and guess I will sit with the kids and watch "Beauty and the Beast" for a bit. Yeah, that will help the headache. Better than watching something dumb like Sponge Bob, I guess...

Saturday, December 18, 2004


I've been sitting in front of this stupid computer for about 5 hours over the last 2 days trying to do something that should have taken me about 20 minutes to do. Nothing ever works as it's supposed to - with technology and me, that is. I am so frustrated. I am trying to print out a ton of pictures from our digital camera and it's jut not working. Have you ever seen that commercial with the little boy hanging in mid-air over a pool and he's talking to his mom about how he's been stuck in the digital camera for months? Well, that's about where I am. I have about 500 pictures that I have been sorting through and trying to print. My biggest fear is that something will happen and we will lose all of them and be without pictures of our kids childhood. So, after traveling to Lansing and trying to print the pictures off on JR's dads printer (with no luck, of course), I have secluded myself in our basement and am not leaving until it's done! I have plenty of time to dink around because I am having to reload the software for the printer - ARGH!!!

Hoping I won't be down here until Christmas trying to do this - if so, I think I will come out bald because I have pulled all of my hair out because of stress!!!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Ok, here goes nothing...

Well, I have given into the age of technology. I will try and be one of those "cool people" that has their own blog. Ok, so I am actually the worst person on the face of the earth when it comes to writing friends and family, so I figured if people really want to know what's going on in my life, they can come see for themself (hehe). I saw how much fun JR has had with it and decided to let him fix me up with one. So, laugh all you want at how boring and dumb this will be, but I didn't force you to visit my site :)
