Free Web Counter My Life: August 2005

Monday, August 29, 2005

My Aunt and her family

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I posted a little while back about my Aunt that has cancer. I just found out that she has decided not to do dialysis anymore. What little I know about what she's been through is that it has been very hard for her and made her very sick. I guess with her kidney's completely shut down and her not doing the dialysis anymore she only has 7-10 days to live. It's very sad for me. I can't even imagine making a decision like that. It would be so hard... She is a believer, so maybe the decision was an easy one for her. I can't even imagine what a battle it would be - wanting to stay here on earth with her husband and two kids and being in so much pain, or wanting to be in Heaven. What a thing to think about. Knowing that she will be in heaven soon. Wow - don't even know how to process that.
I don't think I've had anyone die that I have been close to. One set of my grandparents died, and that was sad, but they were in their 90's and had lived a very full life. I had an uncle die, but I wasn't very close to him. My aunt is one of those people that everyone loves. She has the cutest southern accent. They are from Kentucky. The coolest thing is that my Uncle used to be the VP of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Apparently they invested a ton of money, so I think about the last 3 years or so neither one of them have had to work. What a blessing! They have gotten to spend all that time together. What a great gift!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

You know you live in Michgan if...

I went to Quailty Dairy across the street from our house the other day. I had the pleasure of seeing a man in his late 20's with overalls on, no shirt, a baseball cap on, with his hair in pigtails. Yes, pigtails. I had to laugh and do a double take. It felt like it was a skit out of "you know you're a redneck if..."

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Please Pray

My Aunt Gayle has been battling cancer for the last 6 months. They have a blog that they update once or twice a week. They found out on Thursday that the cancer has spread and there is nothing they can do for her now. She and my uncle have two chilren - one in college and one a senior in high school. It's amazing though, through all they have been through, they have been such an inspiration. Never getting mad or upset at God, just thanking Him for all they have. It's honestly been so convicting. I have absolutely no reason to compalin about anything. They have every reason and they have never looked at this situation negatively.

Please pray for my Aunt Gayle, Uncle Travis, and Laura and Lee as they spend the next few months. We are still praying that God will heal her and get all the glory.

You can visit her blog by clicking here.