The past month has been a complete blur. From Kids Kamp to Ethan's Birthday to a family reunion, 4th of July and my Sister-in-law's wedding on Saturday we've been very busy. Here is a picture diary of all the events...
For part of Ethan's birthday, we took him to a Tiger's game to see Rodger Clements pitch. (ok, daddy really wanted to see this, but Ethan had a great time :) We didn't know it, but there was fireworks after the game. It was a great night together as a family.

Ethan and Daddy enjoying the night

Hailey after enjoying her chocolate bar
Next, we had a Miller Family reunion in Ohio. It was a very fun day - rained on and off, but we did have a few hours of sunshine...

Our Miller Family

Aunt Jenna and Uncle Matt helping Ethan with his Superman birthday cupcakes

A very fun water balloon launcher.

Cousins enjoying some cupcakes
4th of July

I took Hailey on Thursday for her first manicure. For any of you that know Hailey, this is her dream day. She loved being pampered.

Then on Saturday, Jr's sister, Angie got married. It was a great day! Here are some pictures from the day