Free Web Counter My Life: September 2005

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I have been really lazy about blogging lately. There has been a lot going on. We are moving the end of October to a cute little house in Holt. We are really excited about this! One of the best parts is that it's right across the street from Dan and Suzanne. We own the end of the dead end street! I am excited because Ethan and Hailey will finally get their own bedrooms. Hailey has her colors all picked out - of course it's pink. We're still trying to figure out what to do with Ethan's. I am realizing that I might be going crazy with wanting to paint every room in our house. But, we've now been married 8 years and we've always rented which means I've never been able to have walls that are other than cream. Who knows, you might come over one day and I will have purple walls just because I can!

I was refinishing a dresser I got this weekend for Hailey's new room. I was spraying the paint remover on and Hailey kept asking if she could help. I told her how it would burn her skin and that it wouldn't be safe. A few minutes later she came back and saw how the stuff took the paint right off the dresser. She then looked up at me and said that she definitely doesn't want that stuff to get on her skin because she wouldn't be the same color. I had to laugh...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Back In Town

Just got back in town from Kentucky. The drive went pretty smoothly and quick. I was able to drive down with my sister and her family which was nice. We got into Louisville around 2:30 and had a chance to relax before the rest of our family got into town. We ended up going to my uncle's house which I was afraid was going to be really hard. There were pictures of my aunt around. We were all trying not to cry because we knew once we started we wouldn't be able to stop. Ended up having a really nice night with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Got to see family I haven't seen in probably 7 or 8 years!

The funeral was such an amazing celebration of my aunt's inspiring life. She was such an amazing woman! My uncle actually did a lot of the service. I really don't know how he was able to get through more than 2 words without completely having a breakdown. He cried a little here and there, but it was really amazing what he said about his lovely wife. Two of my other uncle's helped with the service. It was such a sad time but yet such a time of celebration.

Don't know what else to say about the whirlwind of the last 36 hours. I am exhausted physicaly and mentally.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


My Aunt is no longer struggling here on earth. She passed away this morning. Hard to grasp - at least I know where she is and that someday I will see her again. Here is the exerpt from her blog that my Uncle wrote -

It is well with my soul

Gayle is no longer fighting. She is at rest.

It is with regret and sadness, but also relief and joy, that I report the loss of my dear wife this morning.

And I am so thankful that I can report to you-- she never ceased being Gayle.

When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.