Free Web Counter My Life: March 2005

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

WARNING: The following post might make you throw up...

I was listening to the TODAY show this morning and heard something that I really wish I hadn't! They said that your mattress doubles it's weight every 10 years because of all the dead dust mites that are inside of it.


Monday, March 21, 2005

"My, how he's grown!"

I am watching Jaden today so I had him and Hailey with me when I went to Ethan's school to pick him up. I wait in the hallway everyday while Ethan gets his stuff together and until his teacher dismisses the class. There are two other ladies that are there everyday waiting for their kids too. We usually make small talk to pass the 5 or so minutes that we are waiting there.

Well, I took Jaden into the school with me today. One of these ladies looks at me and says, "Wow - he sure is getting big!" I thought to myself, why is this lady saying this to me? She's never seen Jaden before - for that matter, she's never seen me with any child other than Hailey before. I just smiled at her and said "Yes he is." I didn't want to go and make her feel stupid or anything. But then she keeps saying stuff about she just can't believe how fast "my son" is growing. I am laughing inside and wondering how to handle the situation. She then asks me "how old is he now?" It was then that I told her that Jaden is a little boy that I babysit a couple days during the week. She got this weird look on her face like she was totally confused.

That would make two of us!

Borderline Animal Abuse

So I got this link off of Sarah's Blog. Just in time for Easter...

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Stress Reliever

My friend Elaina sent me this website. My idea of a good strees reliever!

When I get old...

Funny (but kinda gross) story...

So we joined the YMCA last week. I am so excited! I have worked out everyday since. I forgot how much I loved to go workout. I decided it's about freaking time I spent some time doing something for myslef and not just for my kids or my wonderful husband. I have 2+ hours from when I drop Ethan off at school to when I go pick him up that I can workout. It rocks! Hailey loves the day care at the Y so that makes it a little bit easier on me :)

So, to my story... The first two days I went to workout I went to the locker room to put my crap in a locker. There was this 60+ year old woman sitting on the bench buck naked. Needless to say I diverted my eyes as quickly as I could feeling embarassed. The lady didn't look like she cared a bit. All I have to say is I don't want to look like that when I get older! The really funny thing is I saw the same lady the next day. There is a swim class for "seniors" around the time I am completing my workout and getting freshened up. The second time I saw this lady she came into the locker room and began to get ready. I had already been in there for a few minutes getting my stuff together. This lady sits down on the bench again completely nude and stayed like that for at least 5 minutes. Don't want to get too graphic, but she was combing her hair, putting mousse in her hair, putting deoderant on all while sitting there nude. I was like, "hello! You can do that with your clothes ON!"

Then, the rest of the white-haired ladies came into the locker room all naked and for some reason they decided to go into the sauna 2 or 3 at a time and dry off. Like it was some kind of senior nude party in the sauna. It just made me laugh.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Shoot !

So we have lived in our townhome for about 4 months now and have been completely happy! We love our home. However, today some folks moved in next door and all I hear is thump...thump...thump from their music. ARGH!! It's really annoying!

I was surfing through some blogs yesterday and saw one that was all about how this gal hated her flatmate and everyday she posted a new entry as to what the roomate did to make her upset. I just might have to start one of these myself. The kids are at my sister's house tonight and all I wanted was to have some peace and quiet. Oh well...

Sunday, March 13, 2005

What do I do with this??

So it's been a really weird weekend. Not in a good way.

As some of you may know from reading JR's blog, a friend of ours lost their 3 year old son yesterday. He was supposed to be taking a nap and he somehow got his head caught around the cord of the mini-blinds and strangled himself to death. I don't even know how to begin to process something like that. This was their only child. The dad was over in Iraq serving and is on his way home now. I can't imagine losing one of my children. I don't know how I would go on with life.

Then I found out that my Aunt has cancer. She got sick a couple weeks ago and found out that both her kidneys "died" and they don't know why. Now they found out she has a cancerous mass on her spine that I think is also affecting her heart. I don't understand what all is wrong with her - seems to change everyday. She isn't doing all that great and I feel so helpless. This is the last person on earth that I would have ever thought would get cancer.

Seems like life is seeming all too real lately. I sometimes forget that we are mortal beings and that not everyone gets to live to be 95 years old. It has made me look at life differently and make each day count for something. We really don't know how long we are on this earth - what are we doing while we are here? What am I doing while I am here? Definitely not enough right now - trying to figure out what needs to change and how I can do that. Everything seems so surreal now.

Wow this is a depressing post. Guess that's just how life goes sometimes. How do people that don't have Christ deal with the crap of life? I have a hard enough time with it, but I know that there is something more awesome after we die. How do people cope with death when they don't believe in Christ?

Saturday, March 12, 2005


So I was surfing around on some blogs and found this awesome picture - thought I would share it...

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Monday, March 07, 2005


I can't believe how nice it is outside today. The depressing thing is that tomorrow it will probably be 20 degrees and a blizzard. Gotta love Michigan. Yeah, right. I was talking to a friend of mine in Colorado this weekend and she was telling me there was a week where it was 60 degrees. Oh man. I miss the Colorado weather! There were days in January that I was able to take the kids to the park in short sleeve shirts. Now, we live here and are homebound much of the winter. I can't wait for spring to finally come and STAY!