Free Web Counter My Life: April 2005

Monday, April 25, 2005

Is it April Fool's Day?

Please tell me that this is true, because this day really needs to be a joke and I will feel much better.

Right now we are borrowing Josh and Kelly Schaefer's car while they are in Florida. This morning I put Kelly's key ring onto mine. They have a long remote to open their car. Well, I was closing our front door this morning (which you kinda have to slam for it to shut) and the remote got stuck in the door and was pulmarized. Shoot!! The whole drive to Ethan's school all I could think about was what if I can't get another remote and we have to put a whole new system in their car. I finally looked at the remote and saw it said Honda on it. Whew! I figured I could go to the dealership and get a new one. Well, luckily I was able to order another one. GREAT way to start off a monday morning.

Oh, but it gets better. I had an incident with a lady this morning that I work for every once in a while and it was just really bad. Enough said...

So, after that I had a really good workout at the Y. I don't think I've ever worked out so hard for so long. Then I had a little therapy session in the raquetball court by myself. Ok, so that really didn't make me feel better but it was still fun.

I feel like I am being a moron lately. The whole key thing and then last week I broke a 27 inch TV at church (fell off the tv cart when i went to roll it). I told JR that I am going to lock myself in my house and not go out. I don't think I can afford to pull anymore "Tricia's". Needless to say I am very scared to be driving Josh and Kelly's car around. Watch me crash that too...

Please pray for me :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


So I just finished reading "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller and it was a very interesting read. I will post some thoughts later. I am wondering if any of you wonderful people out there have a copy of "Searching for God Knows What" by the same author that I could borrow?? It would be marvelous if I could borrow a copy and not have to buy one :)

Monday, April 18, 2005

Well, sorry about the two last posts - didn't mean to gross anyone out. I told you guys you were in for it since I was stuck at home! :)

The verdict is in - JR's car is officially dead. JR's sister's boyfriend came this weekend and took a look at it and couldn't figure out what was wrong with the dumb thing. This guy can fix pretty much anything, so when he said he didn't know - we decided that was it. We don't want to go and spend $100 just to have someone tell us what's wrong with it because we really don't want to put more money into that car. Already put too much into it as it is. So, now the wonderful process of looking for a used car begins. yippee....

Friday, April 15, 2005

Very Cute!

Ok, so after MANY conversations with numerous people, we have come to the conclusion that this picture is fake. Ok dad, you were right :) Still makes for a cute picture though.

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So after my last gross post I thought I would post something cute. Thanks to my mother-in-law for this picture - she sent me an e-mail with neat pictures like this. I have no idea who the woman is, but this is really cool. It's funny because Regina and I were just talking on Wednesday about how she had a dream that she could see her baby's foot through her stomach and make out every single toe. I guess it's actually possible!!

Ok, so I've had "some people" tell me they don't think this picture is for real. How in the world would it be fake? Must be a Hollywood Make-up artist or something. What do you think??

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Bugs Anyone?

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Yeah, are you grossed out yet? Imagine my delight when I find this "little" fellow crawling around our basement this morning! Well, Ethan actually found it and came upstairs screaming. Apparently they thought it was a piece of fuzz and decided to touch it. Yum! The best part is this is the 5th one of these we have found in the last 10days. UGH! I looked it up on the internet and found something that looked similar, but not exactly. It says they can bite. Great!

Anyone want to come over to our house ever, ever again? Didn't think so...


So we went to Finley's last night for dinner. They have this special going on that you get a free steak dinner if it's your birthday. Well, yesterday was my birthday so we decided to go there. Nice thing is that we also got a $10 gift certificatein the mail when we moved. We had a really good dinner. Finley's isn't my favorite restaurant, but it proved to work out really well. We got the bill and come to find out the kids meal was free too! I guess on Mon, Tues, and Wed nights kids eat for free. Very cool! We had prime rib, steak and shrimp, and the kids had chicken fingers all for only $10.40!!! What a deal! It was pretty cool.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Stuck at Home

JR's car died yesterday which means he has to drive my car to work. The only bad thing about it is that Ethan has to stay home from school because we live out of his school district and he can't take a bus. But it's been kinda nice. We can't go anywhere - we have to stay at home. I really am enjoying it. The kids and I have played outside a lot and have had a couple great games of Battleship. I am realizing that I am a home-body. I don't like running everywhere all the time. It stresses me out after a while.

I HATE, I repeat, HATE looking for a new (newer) car. I always feel like we are being taken by Joe-Salesman. We bought a Honda Accord about 6 years ago because it was supposed to be one of the best cars out there and it would last us forever. Well, we must have gotten a real lemon because we poured money into that car for 2 years straight. I just hate that feeling of now knowing what the real shape of the car is that we are going to buy. I am glad that JR is a tough sale - he won't let people walk all over him. But you know the car salesmen are looking at our big "SUCCKER" sign flashing over our head. At least that's how I feel they look at us. We look you and we must be naieve. Ah, oh well. Just praying that we will get a reliable car that WILL last us a long time. Anyone know of a good place to go??

So I realized that I haven't been posting as often as I would like. Well, you guys are in for it. If I'm stuck home for a while, you'll be getting more of my boring life to read. Lucky You.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Keeping it in the family...

So this morning the kids got up and ate breakfast while I was getting ready. Ethan is on spring break this week, so we had a relaxed morning... kinda nice! When I came down the stairs, I see Ethan and Hailey sitting at the dining room table. They both have 4 stacks of different colored poker chips by them and are each holding two cards. THEY WERE PLAYING POKER!!! I laughed so hard, trying not to let them see me. They just sat there comparing their cards and placing a chip or two to bet.

Oh man, the therapy bill is going to be big when they get older...