Is it April Fool's Day?
Please tell me that this is true, because this day really needs to be a joke and I will feel much better.
Right now we are borrowing Josh and Kelly Schaefer's car while they are in Florida. This morning I put Kelly's key ring onto mine. They have a long remote to open their car. Well, I was closing our front door this morning (which you kinda have to slam for it to shut) and the remote got stuck in the door and was pulmarized. Shoot!! The whole drive to Ethan's school all I could think about was what if I can't get another remote and we have to put a whole new system in their car. I finally looked at the remote and saw it said Honda on it. Whew! I figured I could go to the dealership and get a new one. Well, luckily I was able to order another one. GREAT way to start off a monday morning.
Oh, but it gets better. I had an incident with a lady this morning that I work for every once in a while and it was just really bad. Enough said...
So, after that I had a really good workout at the Y. I don't think I've ever worked out so hard for so long. Then I had a little therapy session in the raquetball court by myself. Ok, so that really didn't make me feel better but it was still fun.
I feel like I am being a moron lately. The whole key thing and then last week I broke a 27 inch TV at church (fell off the tv cart when i went to roll it). I told JR that I am going to lock myself in my house and not go out. I don't think I can afford to pull anymore "Tricia's". Needless to say I am very scared to be driving Josh and Kelly's car around. Watch me crash that too...
Please pray for me :)
Right now we are borrowing Josh and Kelly Schaefer's car while they are in Florida. This morning I put Kelly's key ring onto mine. They have a long remote to open their car. Well, I was closing our front door this morning (which you kinda have to slam for it to shut) and the remote got stuck in the door and was pulmarized. Shoot!! The whole drive to Ethan's school all I could think about was what if I can't get another remote and we have to put a whole new system in their car. I finally looked at the remote and saw it said Honda on it. Whew! I figured I could go to the dealership and get a new one. Well, luckily I was able to order another one. GREAT way to start off a monday morning.
Oh, but it gets better. I had an incident with a lady this morning that I work for every once in a while and it was just really bad. Enough said...
So, after that I had a really good workout at the Y. I don't think I've ever worked out so hard for so long. Then I had a little therapy session in the raquetball court by myself. Ok, so that really didn't make me feel better but it was still fun.
I feel like I am being a moron lately. The whole key thing and then last week I broke a 27 inch TV at church (fell off the tv cart when i went to roll it). I told JR that I am going to lock myself in my house and not go out. I don't think I can afford to pull anymore "Tricia's". Needless to say I am very scared to be driving Josh and Kelly's car around. Watch me crash that too...
Please pray for me :)